Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The "P" Word


It was no surprise (at least to anyone who had a brain in her head) when Scooter Libby was found guilty on a number of Plame-related charges yesterday. However, like many others, I was in agreement with juror Denis Collins when he asked, "Where's Rove? Where are these other guys?"

And now the liberal blogosphere (and many MSM sources) is atwitter with the possibility of a presidential pardon. (See here, here, and here among others.) Charles Osgood mentioned it on CBS radio this morning, and even the Washington Post has gone so far as to sponsor a "Guess Libby's Pardon Date, Win a T-Shirt" contest.

While I can't believe that President Unelected would be so brazen as to grant a pardon in this case (only because of the mammoth political fallout that would occur), it's certainly within the realm of possibility for these psychos to make it clear that they're above the law.

Perhaps we're about to see just how far the Bushies are willing to push the oligarchic envelope.


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