Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Politically correct


Remember Janet Jackson's breast? Well, the Imus repercussions are every bit as nonsensical. E.g., apparently, a bill calling for more "civility" in political discourse was introduced in one of Connecticut's legislative houses. Fortunately, it was rejected.

Meanwhile, Senator Sanctimony, ever so watchful concerning civility in politics, asserts
"I think the public is fed up [with incivility in politics]. If the two major parties don't hear this going into '08, there is a real chance of an independent third-party candidacy—and watch out if that happens."
Hmmm. Let's see now. Just who is the only national politician of note who calls himself an "independent"?

Let's face it, Holy Joe wants civility only when people speak to him. The gloves are off when he's the one dishing it out.


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