Friday, July 27, 2007

Constitution Watch


Everything one might want to know about Fredo's testimony the other day—and the apparent surfeit of Big Brother activities of the Bush Administration—can be found here. The money paragraph:
In essence, the issue is this: if Gonzales succeeds in convincing the committee that there really is a material distinction between the [spying] program as it existed before and after Comey’s intervention, he won't just save himself from perjury. He will perhaps have preserved an administration strategy of concealing the scope of Program X from the public and most of Congress -- making it appear that the program that Bush disclosed in December 2005, incorporating Comey's objections, is the same program that existed since October 2001, long before Comey put the brakes on at least some aspects of it. That may be at the heart of the White House's claim of executive privilege to prevent the Senate Judiciary Committee from seeing documents detailing the genesis of Program X.
At this point, there's just so much illegality going on with the Bushies that it's hard to know what to concentrate on. Hydra-like, when legislators (or journalists) think they've zeroed in on one malfeasance another two or three suddenly appear.

Feckless Leader is worried about his legacy—and various water carriers continue to say that his reputation will improve with time—but the truth of the matter seems to be that the legacy will take decades to be known and will suffer with each revelation.


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