Friday, August 24, 2007

Finding Friends Elsewhere


All of the major papers are headlining just how inefficient the "government" in Iraq is. Of course, this doesn't deter Feckless Leader from recanting various statements he's made about Iraq's Prime Minister by saying that Nuri Al-Maliki is a "good guy."

And Maliki's response to all of this?
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Wednesday strongly rebuked American politicians for threatening to withdraw support from his government, suggesting while on a trip to Syria that he could "find friends elsewhere" if he was abandoned by the United States.
Given the fact that no more "coalitions of the willing" will ever be found, this is obviously a thinly veiled threat to throw in with entities that GI George and Deadeye Dick would have conniptions over: Syria, Iran, and their ilk.

The domino theory regarding democracy in the Middle East doesn't seem to be working out for the military masterminds in the White House.


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