Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Decider's Legacy


It's been almost pathetic to watch Little Georgie gallivanting around the Middle East, hoping that someone—anyone—will pay some attention to him. From the Saudis refusing to produce more oil to his empty plea for Mideast rulers to "advance democracy," the whole trip has been an exercise in futility.

Our feckless leader, who apparently at this point is willing to talk to anybody who'll listen—as long as it isn't Iran, Hamas, or Hezbollah—is desperate to create some kind of positive legacy and so is shooting for the creation of a Palestinian state in the last year of his administration. Since no such resolution is possible without the input of the aforementioned trio, all of this is just so much empty rhetoric.

I suppose Republicans on the upcoming undertickets are hoping that their nominal leader succeeds in this venture. Nevertheless, so many of them are running from his shadow that it appears they feel that any success on his part in the next nine months won't do them any good, anyway.


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