Tuesday, May 27, 2008



Blogs are reporting this morning that Senator Sanctimony "is the scheduled headliner for the Rev. John Hagee's 2008 Christians United For Israel 'Washington-Israel Summit' this summer."

It's hard to believe that anyone could outdo Senator Septuagenarian when it comes to pandering, but I think we have a winner.

Lest anyone not remember exactly what positions Connecticut's junior senator appears to be sanctioning, it might be instructive to look at this link wherein we find that the Rev. Mr. Hagee has
depicted Jews as Christ killers[,] stated that Muslims have a "mandate" to kill Christians and Jews[,] and [averred] that God caused Hurricane Katrina to destroy New Orleans to prevent a scheduled gay parade.
I can't for the life of me understand why Holy Joe would want to get involved in something as vile as this. I can only assume that he's suffering from a grave psychological condition.


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