That's me in the corner ...
To say that Barack Obama has disappointed recently is an understatement. Digby noted yesterday thatthe Obama campaign is working overtime to prove to the Village that he isn't "dangerously" radical. At least that seems to be the campaign's overriding message at the moment.To my mind, the campaign's true intent currently is to demonstrate that Obama isn't black, but that's neither here nor there. What is disconsoling is that Obama's positions have become so ... so ... Republican in the last two weeks. Cripes, we've already seen what a hideous society we've become with all the Bushies' policies. All of a sudden, the former Barry Obama doesn't seem so different. For a guy who won his party's nomination on a theme of change, Obama is singing an all too familiar tune.
Glenn Greenwald articulates his similar concerns in an excellent (and appreciably more detailed) post here.
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