Thursday, July 24, 2008

The times they are a-changin'


Even Barrons, a weekly presumably not in the Barama camp, is noting the change in the tenor of Republican politics these days:
John McCain isn't the only Republican politician trying to distance himself from the legacy of President George Bush. Bush is running away from Bush, too. In fact, he's running from himself faster than McCain is running away from him.

The president has been abandoning unpopular policies of old and employing new ones that appear to come straight from the playbook of Barack Obama, the boy wonder of American politics. Bush, who once defined himself by an ornery refusal to heed critics or alter his course, even as he drove his ship of state onto the shoals of political disaster, has in his final months as commander in chief become as pliant as Silly Putty.
Indeed, it's incidents like yesterday's grudging approval of the housing bill that almost make it look as if Georgie AWOL is as compromising now as he was intransigent during the first six years of his administration.

Ah, it almost seems as if people are coming to their senses after the nightmare of the first six years of the millennium. Of course, there are exceptions.


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