Monday, September 29, 2008

Connecticut's Constitution


There are any number of groups who are a more than a little concerned about the question being posed in Connecticut on November's ballot.

Nevertheless, the possibility of amending the state's constitution has
piqued the interest of some progressives who [feel] frozen out by the state's political elite. "We shouldn't be afraid of democracy," said Mike De Rosa, head of the Green Party in Connecticut. The party hasn't taken an official position on the question, but De Rosa said it deserves a look. Thirty-one states, including California and Massachusetts, permit direct initiative, or a similar mechanism.

"A lot of conservative groups are looking at it from their own ideological paradigm," De Rosa said. "We see it as an opportunity to free the system, to open it up to more choices and more voices. That's very frightening to people."
Ah, not being afraid of democracy. It's a noble concept, but it sure has given the US its share of morons at all levels of government. Speaking of morons, Governor Clubwoman thinks the whole idea is just swell.

And whenever I hear such sentiments regarding democracy being expressed, I can't help but think of the Sage of Baltimore's deathless definition: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democracy does not mean that the "people" are always correct. Real democracy means that organized groups of people can address their concerns directly to the established order and actually have an opportunity to have their ideas and proposals discussed,debated, and voted on by voters.
You know about the established order: All political parties are equal but some political parties are more equal than others. Their slogan is: "our choices and our voices, everybody else get off the side walk."
I guess what I was trying to say is that the inner party and the outer party do not have an exclusive right to rule our lives and that a broader group, you know, the prols or the "rest of us" have a right to legislate directly through initiative, referendum, re-call, proportional representation, and instant run off voting(also known as the Tool Box of Democracy). That's a very dangerous idea to some people who see the unwashed masses as a threat to law and order and a threat to the new asistocracy in the land of steady habits and security. Were so security oriented here in CT that our main product is suppplying the Industrial-Military-Congressional-Media complex with the weapons of the never ending trade.
Forget about a sustainable economy that uses renewable and safe non-carbon energy systems. Forget about universial, affordable, and quality health care. Forget about human rights, freedom of choice, and fair play.
No, lets have freedom from choice, democarcy for the few,campaign finance deform(also know as the No Democrat or Republican left behind law) and lots and lots of bombs. Hey, but what did you expect from the Constitution State?
Mike DeRosa
Green Party Candidate for the CT Senate 1st district

Monday, September 29, 2008 10:58:00 PM  

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