Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pleading poverty


Lest people think that the Constitution State is immune from financial woes, Governor Clubwoman would like to disabuse them of that notion.
Last month's state budget deficit has more than doubled to more than $300 million, according to the governor's budget office, which warned Monday that the state's financial picture may get worse.

... Gov. M. Jodi Rell said Monday that the deficit projection is now about $302.4 million because of a $75 million decrease in income tax revenue.

Slot machine revenue from the Indian casinos will be off about $20 million, oil company tax revenue may decrease by $27.4 million, the sales tax could be down $10 million, the real estate conveyance tax may be off $7.6 million and even the cigarette tax is expected to fall short of estimates by $5.2 million.
Now, I'm certain that the anti-Rowland believes these figures, but
House Majority Leader Christopher G. Donovan, D-Meriden, said Monday night that ... he was skeptical about Rell's overall assessment, issued 90 minutes after state offices closed for the day.

"Our nonpartisan staff has not verified these numbers and have been complaining that they're not getting human-services estimates from OPM," Donovan said. "We need to find out what's going on and we need to come together with steps to turn it around."

He said Democrats will meet this week to discuss ways to help the state economy and budget. "During tough times people may need assistance more than ever for education, support jobs and protect retirements," Donovan said.

Donovan recalled that in 2005, Rell predicted a $1.3 billion deficit, which eventually turned into a surplus of nearly a billion dollars.
Again, I don't necessarily want to downplay the governor's concern, but this sure does sound (again) like the ravings of a not necessarily well-informed woman.


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