Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Farce that is Guantánamo


The civil rights violation du jour leads me to think that if the US had an Attorney General who actually cared about the rule of law, nonsense like this wouldn't be countenanced.

This, in turn, makes me wonder what an Obama cabinet might look like. Herewith one man's choices for the posts:

Secretary of State: Wesley Clark
Secretary of Defense: Richard Danzig
Secretary of the Treasury: Brad DeLong or Paul Krugman
Attorney General: Patrick Fitzgerald
Secretary of the Interior: Mary Anne Hitt
Secretary of Agriculture: Tom Harkin
Secretary of Commerce: Stuart Eizenstat
Secretary of Labor: Robert Reich
Secretary of HHS: Gail McGovern
Secretary of HUD: Muzzy Rosenblatt
Secretary of Transportation: John Prater
Secretary of Energy: Gregory Yurek
Secretary of Education: Rudy Crew
Secretary of Veterans' Affairs: Eric Shinseki
Secretary of Homeland Security: Jacqueline Seabrooks
Director of OMB: Warren Buffett
Administrator of EPA: Mark Tercek
Head of FOMC: Paul Krugman or Brad DeLong

I admit, some of these choices are a little off the wall, but all would be excellent in their respective posts. I think Obama could certainly do worse, and it's just too awful to contemplate the kind of yahoos Senator Septuagenarian might appoint. (God knows his first appointment was horrendous.)

At any rate, this subject is starting to get a little attention given Obama's status as front runner.


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