Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I can't stand it


After a while, the Republican groupthink really starts to have psychotic elements. As Dr. Marshall notes,
The McConnell/Boehner plan is to fix the Bush mess by pushing through more of the former president's policies. Again.
How many times do these idiots have to propose supply side economics before the idea is completely discredited? Even the peabrained Ronald Reagan realized that Arthur Laffer's boneheaded theory didn't work. But the cretinous McConnell and Boehner continue to insist that tax cuts will rejuvenate the economy, even though recent (like, within the last six months) evidence contrary to that stance stares them right in the face.

I know I've said all this before, but, cripes, so have the moronic Republicans.

UPDATE — Steve Benen has more.


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