Tuesday, June 09, 2009



This morning Steve Benen reports on an interview Governor Gogo had with Sean Hannity last evening wherein she denounced BO's economic plan by averring that it "defies any sensible economic policy that any of us ever learned through college." Benen responds:
I'm going to assume Palin was absent the day they taught Keynesian theory. She really seems to believe the principal goal of government in the midst of an economic crisis is to lower the deficit. In other words, what she "learned through college" is that Hoover was right.
What Benen doesn't point out is that she must have missed the Keynesian theory lecture six times.

Did she miss it at Hawaii-Hilo? Or was it at Hawaii Pacific? Perhaps she slept in that day at North Idaho College. Or perhaps she was out of town during her first sojourn at the University of Idaho. Or Matanuska-Susitna College. And she was probably way past Economics 101 by the time she returned to the U of I.

Ah ... So many opportunities; so many chances squandered.


Blogger Darlucky said...

followed the link...wow. just wow. how did i miss that the first time around? i knew she went to a bunch of schools, but...wow

on the bright side, it did make me look up alumni to learn that you do not have to be a graduate to be considered one

Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:22:00 AM  

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