Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Constitution State Items


Arrests have been made in the Jasper Howard case.

District 10 (the Lewis Mills district) has been closed until further notice, as the superintendent wants to be "proactive" regarding the swine flu outbreak.

And, Holy Joe continues to support the endangerment of American citizens both by supporting their presence in various Mideast hellholes and by denying affordable health care to those who need it. Viz., the junior senator reasons,
"I want to vote for health insurance reform this year because we need it," Lieberman told CNN Tuesday afternoon. "But I will not vote for health care reform if it jeopardizes the recovery from the economic recession or adds to the national debt. And because I'm convinced that creating a government-run health insurance company will add to the national debt, increase taxes, and probably increase health insurance premiums, I can't vote at the end for a bill that has such a government-run insurance company in it."
What the pinheaded legislator obviously doesn't understand is that it's during tough times such as these that citizens need a social safety net more than ever.

And his strident advocacy of a foreign policy that's increased the national debt by nearly a trillion dollars certainly gives the lie to his economic concerns.


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