Monday, April 12, 2010

The latest attack on teachers


Florida, the state that's brought us a number of Bushes and that has the highest average age in the country, is about to
eliminate tenure protection and tie teacher pay to student performance ...

The bills, SB 6 and HB 7189, make it easier to fire teachers based upon the scores students receive on standardized tests. The proposals have already been passed by the Legislature and now await the signature of Gov. Charlie Crist.
Thus, Florida's teachers are about to be assessed by how well their non-standardized students fare on standardized tests. And once those poor pedagogues lose their jobs, the state will find more and "better" teachers whose students will perform exactly the way their predecessors did.

Florida's educators and students aren't taking this nonsense lying down:
[H]undreds of teachers called in sick today in the Miami-Dade school district, while students at numerous schools held "sit ins" before class to voice opposition to the legislation.
The ball is now in Charlie Crist's court, and to say he's facing a dilemma as he tries to win votes against the hideous Mario Rubio in the upcoming Republican senatorial primary would be an understatement.

[Emended to refer to the correct primary.]


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