Monday, August 02, 2010

Well, that went well


So much for the cake walk. The New York Times reports this morning that in Iraq—the nation wherein the US is supposed to end combat operations this month—
the streets are littered with trash, drinking water is polluted, hospitals are bleak and often unsafe, and buildings bombed by the Americans in 2003 or by insurgents since remain ruined shells [and] Baghdad, the capital, had five hours of electricity a day in July.
How like the Bushies: to create an utter catastrophe and then just walk away from it.

But the Obamans are no better, since, while there are certainly no nation-building aspirations in Afghanistan, the apparent goal is simply to kill as many "terrorists" as possible—and if innocent bystanders get in the way ... well, who cares about the loss of some Arabs; they're all Muslims, anyway. And you can forget the planned July, 2011 withdrawal from Afghanistan while you're at it.


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