Saturday, May 20, 2006

Movie Review: The Da Vinci Code


There is no other way to put it; The Da Vinci Code is an overlong, slowly paced, not-very-thrilling letdown. While from afar it would seem Dan Brown mega-seller would make a perfect movie, unfortunately this turns out not to be true. The story simply has waaaaay too much exposition to ever be shaped into an effective screen thriller. It seems like half the movie is spent explaining who did what to whom and what it all is supposed to mean. After about the fourth scene like this, I felt like I should start taking notes. When I read this, it didn't bother me so much. I think that's because I, like most people, read it in several sittings. One or two monologues at a time are fine. More than that it starts to get tedious. And surprisingly, the puzzles throughout the book are easier to follow on the page than the screen. I think this is because you can go back and look it over whenever you want. In the movie, you're dependent on the filmmakers to make it clear. I don't think they did a very good job with this aspect of the storytelling.

I really enjoyed the book back a few summers ago, probably because I didn't take a lick of it seriously. (The whole this is patently absurd from the start. Am I really supposed to believe that dead guy in the beginning of the movie had time to leave that many clues before he died? Why didn't he just call for help?) But I think Dan Brown does take it seriously and probably resents it when when his work is dismissed as a "beach read." Unfortunately, director Ron Howard & Co. also play it straight and the whole enterprise becomes almost boring. There is nothing worse than a solemn thriller.

Despite my reaction, I actually had a fun time at the movies last night. It's been awhile since I went to see a Big Fat Blockbuster on opening night. The place was mobbed, the crowd was excited, and I got to get a giant bucket of popcorn. These are some of the simple pleasures that haven't really changed much since I was a kid and I hope I never stop appreciating that.


Blogger Darlucky said...

what a disappointment.

Monday, May 22, 2006 9:58:00 AM  

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