Wednesday, August 20, 2008



It seems like every time I turn on CNN, Senator Septuagenarian has a microphone in his hand and is talking to some vacuous group about his plans to do who knows what. At any rate, the prize catch of yesterday was his tired speech to the VFW in—appropriately enough—Orlando wherein he opined that
he and Obama both want to bring home American troops from the Iraq war, but "the great difference is that I intend to win it first."
Needless to say, he didn't indicate how such a victory would come to pass, nor even what it would look like, but it got the inevitable applause from the airheads.

Meanwhile, in another example of meaningless assertions, the Russian expert, Condoleezza Rice continues to fulminate at the Russians, stating
that the "Russians are losing their credibility" and that Moscow will pay a price for its actions in Georgia. She declined to elaborate.
Someone sure looks like she's losing her credibility, but I'm not sure it's the Russians.

UPDATE — Every time I think I've heard it all, the Bushies do something even more incredible, viz., Condi's bizarre (her word) statement that "military power [is] not the way to deal in the 21st century." This, of course, from one of the leading apologists of one of the greatest military snafus the US has ever been involved in.



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