Saturday, October 25, 2008

Senator Sanctimony's Scare, cont'd


A hysterical and whiny Holy Joe averred yesterday that "his comments [regarding the presidential campaign] have been within bounds." This, of course, comes after he stated in August that Barack Obama doesn't always put the country first.

Connecticut's quisling surely now sees the handwriting on the wall and is desperately hoping that his treachery won't cost him the precious chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. That decision will be up to Harry Reid, of course, who's been less than forthcoming on his buddy's future.

It would certainly be ridiculous if Senator Sanctimony were allowed to keep the chairmanship of a committee charged with protecting the US against the likes of people he's accused Obama of being.

What a disgraceful excuse of a politician and of a man.

UPDATE — Steve Benen has more.


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