Thursday, January 22, 2009

John Roberts


Of course he's an idiot. He was, after all, appointed by one.


Blogger Nathan said...

Get over it. The guy is gone.

Bitterness is poison. Even now when your guy is in office your blog cannot speak words of hope or optimism.

I've enjoyed reading you guys for a long time as one of the many ways I try to see points and opinions other than my own. I think that has to end. I'm cutting your feed. I can't continue consuming bitterness and hate. I held on because I thought perhaps it would end once Jan 20th had come. From people who ascribe to be the champions of tolerance, equality for all, and peace I only see the same hate and bitterness that I am also ashamed to see from some outspoken and foolish religious right who also ascribe to be the champions of Christ's love (which is why I don't listen to them either). Unfortunately, we continue to prove that hypocrisy dwells everywhere.

Thursday, January 22, 2009 9:50:00 AM  
Blogger monocle said...


Sorry you'll be leaving us. We've been honored that you've been following us for as long as you have.

Perhaps the post immediately following this one reflects some "hope or optimism."

At any rate, it'll be a while before I'll be able to "get over it." "The guy" may be gone, but many of his policies are still in place. Moreover, the bad taste in my mouth will remain for a while as the US tries to re-establish its place in the world and, for that matter, its identity.

I just am unable to dispense with the memories of the last eight years just a few days after they've ended. If that makes me hypocritical in your eyes, I'll just have to live with it.

I got over the Nixon years after a while, but not until Carter's election. I suspect the rancor I feel toward the Bushies will also pass. However, the feeling may take longer to subside this time around because GWB was on the scene so much longer, and I truly believed those dark days wouldn't be repeated. Thus, when they did, I was even more taken aback.

Again, thanks for following our posts.

Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:15:00 AM  

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