Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And the beat goes on


Now that the idiotic Governor Go-go has insinuated herself into the country's political scene again, it's not surprising that questions regarding her "last child" are reappearing.


Anonymous Cartman 3:16 said...

The most rabid Palinistas are also rabid anti-Obama birthers. Since Palin is not bashful about cozying up to this crowd, I wish someone -- anyone -- would ask her if she thinks Obama is a U.S. citizen.

I believe she does think so, and her admitting it might put an end to some of the nonsense from the Orley Taitz gang. That she doesn't straighten these morons out reveals a level of cynicism and political opportunism that no one should find attractive.

All that aside, the scariest aspect of the Palin birther conspiracy theory is not that it might be true. What has been virtually lost on the media and the public is any sense of what it means if her version of the giving-birth story is the correct one.

By sharing what she says is the real sequence of events surrounding Trig's birth, she paints herself as a reckless, irresponsible person who displayed horrendous judgment in doing what she did after going into labor that day.

Why would anyone think these are presidential qualities?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 4:02:00 AM  

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