Friday, June 18, 2010

The Return of the Sleeping Bear


I've long been a fan of former Connecticut Senator and Governor Lowell Weicker. In the latter position, he singlehandedly saved the state from financial ruin, and in the former he gave one of the great speeches of the 1970s during the Watergate hearings.

He's been keeping a low profile for the last number of years, but yesterday he emerged from hibernation to excoriate Connecticut's political leaders regarding the state's financial woes.

He certainly wasn't kind to Governor Clubwoman, pretty much seeing her as I do:
... she didn't do much," Weicker said. "A governor should be an activist. I just don't see that from the Rell administration. Do I think she's a nice lady? Yes, I certainly do."
Clearly, we see here the difference in the two governors' styles: In standing fast in instituting a state income tax, Weicker didn't care who he irked; MJ just wants everybody to get along—and perhaps have a little macaroni and cheese while they're at it.


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