Tuesday, November 30, 2010

OK. So I was wrong.


Armchair shoppers took to their computers in force yesterday, ordering a 19.4 percent increase in sales over last Cyber Monday and making it the biggest online shopping day so far of the year.

Those seeking special online holiday deals also spent more, with average orders up 8.3 percent to $194.89, according to Coremetrics, an IBM Web research firm.
So, the good news is that American consumers couldn't resist hitting the "order now" button millions of times. I know I couldn't.

The popularity of ordering on line has some pundits predicting "the end of retail as we know it." It's an interesting argument, but brick and mortar stores did ok for the century or so they had to compete with the 19th and 20th centuries' answer to the Internet—the Sears catalogue.

Meanwhile, in the midst of this attempt at an economic recovery, the US still is involved in two senseless and costly wars, about which Secretary of State Clinton wants nothing known, and which are being financed by the country's middle class.

What a fiasco.


Blogger Darlucky said...

You missed a key part of cyber Monday...procrastinating at work vs. procrastinating at home. Sunday you've got NFL, all weekend you were probably with family, maybe even traveling. Then after a nice long weekend it's hard to get your brain back involved, so you head to Amazon.com

formula for success!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:20:00 AM  

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