Friday, April 29, 2005

Missing: Pretty White Woman


Isn't there national news that is a little more important than this story about a missing woman in Georgia. Social Security's proposed destruction, 11 bombs killing at least 24 in Iraq? Anything else, perhaps. Yet this poor missing woman is currently the headline on I'm sorry CNN but just because another pretty white woman went missing, and foul play is likely, doesn't mean it is a top story. I can see CNN execs slobbering all over themselves hoping/wishing for another Laci Peterson trial. Dear lord, CNN, you are a news organization for a nation. Start acting like it.

NOTE: I have nothing but sympathy for the family of Laci Peterson and this family in Georgia. I deplore that CNN uses these tragedies to create "human interest" stories to pander for ratings. Yes, people love these types of stories because they are inherently interesting and easily relatable. Therefore, they get higher ratings than straight news. But last I checked CNN stood for Cable News Network. If CNN would like to enter the "reality TV" business, fine, but whatever journalistic integrity it has is slowly (quickly) being diminished. Right now, its bears a closer resemblance to the reconstituted "A Current Affair" than it does to a news network.


Blogger Yossarian said...

Not to be too cynical, but if you're a good looking young woman, you are going to have a lot more people looking for you if you go missing than the rest of us.

Friday, April 29, 2005 7:19:00 PM  

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