Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This and That


Governor Clubwoman has struck again with a veto of a medical marijuana bill that passed both houses of the Connecticut legislature with overwhelming majorities. The cancer survivor justified her veto by stating,
There are no pharmacies, storefronts or mail order catalogs where patients or caregivers can legally purchase marijuana plants or seeds. I am troubled by the fact that in essence, this bill forces law-abiding citizens to seek out drug dealers to make their marijuana purchases.
In other words, the whole thing is just too icky for her suburban sensibilities.

The consolation is that, given the votes in the legislatures (a vote of 23-13 in the Senate and a vote of 89-58 in the House of Representatives), this moronic veto may be overturned.

For more on our macaroni and cheese baking governor—in this case, her subservience to the upper crust—take a look here.

And, in a totally different area, I see that Mayor Big Apple has left the fold with the predictable reaction. Needless to say, this could make the next 17 months extremely interesting—in a catastrophic sort of way.


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