Thursday, April 21, 2005

DeLay the Inevitable?


Well, it looks like the Republicans have finally tired of the daily DeLay scandal surfacing through the media. So, instead, Republicans on the ethics committee have decided that they would agree to investigate DeLay, as long as Democrats agree to the ethics committee's watered-down ethics rules.

Thankfully the Dems rejected the offer. Hmm, I wonder if that would be because DeLay just recently had some of his most ardent supporters in the House put on the Ethics Committee. Or maybe it is simply because the Dems finally have the Press looking into the malfeasance of the far-Right. (Of course, CNN, where the link is from, doesn't even have this story as one of its headlines. It was, but the link was removed early this morning.) Either way, the Dems would do best to let the clock run on this one. It seems every day there is a new allegation. The longer DeLay clings to life the longer the Dems can use him as a poster boy for the modern Republican party. He'll be like Bill Clinton was for Republicans. Well, except it appears he actually is a crook.


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