Monday, April 18, 2005

If you can't do the crime...

Sporting Goods

The moron who started the fracas with Sheffield at Fenway last week has lost his season tickets. The more I saw replays of the whole incident, the more I took Sheffield's side. Not that I can stand Sheff, but the fan deserved to be pummelled, so therefore it's tough to support him.

All in all, this "House" guy shouldn't have the right to sit that close to the field, so I agree with the Sox decision to let some other loudmouth have a shot at getting into the heads of opposing rightfielders. It's too bad that the guy who "smoothly" flicked his beer at Sheffield is also losing the right to go to Fenway.

Now if they can just convince everyone sitting in that row to stop trying to pick up baseballs that are in play. It's just a baseball, people - you can coach little league and get a whole case of them for free. I'll never understand why baseballs are like crack to people sitting in the front row. There's nothing sadder than someone who holds the ball up for the world to see after they've reached over to scoop up a foul ball that's on the ground in front of them. Ooh, your hand can hold objects, I can't believe it! Wait, now that you are holding up your catch for everyone to see, I guess I have to believe my own eyes!

Actually, I did think of something sadder. If they scooped up said ball with a glove that they brought to the game.


Blogger Chill said...

Did you see that in the same game Doug Flutie caught a ball, his fourth ball in four games he attended, with his glove? Granted the man is in the shooting gallery down the 1st base line, but Doug Flutie with a glove? C'mon, unless he is protecting a small child, no man over 15?, 12?, has a reason to have a glove at a game, let alone a professional athelete. All I know is that Doug better have given all four of those balls to little kids sitting near him.

Monday, April 18, 2005 5:51:00 PM  

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