Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Darlucky's good news / bad news


A number of sports issues near and dear to my heart that I wanted to comment on, so here's a quick good news bad news.

Good news: Goldman Sachs has put together a world cup probability study and preview (guess they don't have anything better to do), and they put the US odds at about 45:1. Good news? Sure, that's better than the bookie odds of 80:1.

Bad news: Italy and Czech Republic both have better odds (about 20:1), so we're still not expected to get out of our group. BTW, if any readers who know my email want the 59 page report, just let me know.

Good news: The US has three more games to get prepped for the World Cup, including two in the US. With their interesting mix of international players and MLS players, it will take some time for them to get together, so we'll know how good they are soon. I will be at their warm-up on Sunday, can't wait!

Bad news: If they play the next two games the way they played last night, there is no way I can pick them to get out of the group, even as a huge homer.

Good news: Despite the loss last night, the Sox have still won 4 of 6 from the Yankees this year, and as a Sox fan in New York I get to watch all the games.

Bad news: Who scheduled a Sox-Yanks game the same night as the LOST finale? DVR won't cut it in this case, as there is no way LOST won't be the talk of the office tomorrow.


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