Monday, April 18, 2005

Reason - Robert Reich


Well, at least jury duty allowed me to catch up on my reading. I just finished Reason by former Clinton Labor Secretary, Robert Reich. I have to say it was an enjoyable read, even if it only reinforced many of the things that I already believed.

I think my favorite section was about the inherent unfairness of Trickle Down economics. Reich writes:

The Radcons' (Radical Conservatives) whole growth premise is wrong. They make a totem out of savings and investment. Cut taxes on savings and investment so that we'll have more capital! Allow the rich to keep more of their money so that they'll create more jobs!
Reich then proceeds to point out that the entirely rational thing for the rich to do with their windfall is to invest it in places where the return is going to be the greatest. Right now, that is most certainly not the United States.

Anyway, interesting read, which I suggest if you have the time, or get stuck in a room waiting for jury duty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw him on the Daily Show last night, so I don't have to read the book now.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:53:00 AM  

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